What do you think about Optical

You know, if there is one thing I like about you Optical, is at least your not an asshole.


Couldnā€™t work out how to make single option poll managed to make a multiple option 1 where you can only choose 1 thing.

Simple poll tutorial:

Single choice poll
  • 1 choice
  • 2 choice
0 voters
Multi-choice poll
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
0 voters
Fake single choice poll
  • Lmao imagine if I
  • Messed this up
  • That would be
  • Embarrassing
  • But also really
  • Really funny
0 voters

Iā€™ll just say you are very immature and most often offer nothing to the threads you reply to.

purged from this plane

i love democracy


So meanā€¦

Iā€™d normally be inclined to totally thrash this post but

Iā€™ve kinda made something like this in the past, admittedly

doesnā€™t feel right to make fun of someone else whoā€™s probably going through what I did :person_shrugging:


We need a forum love post!

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Just to let everyone know, if you picked choice 1 your parents hate you

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Opticalā€™s still a dummy itā€™s just Iā€™m not gonna really make fun of him for this post.

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i would but iā€™m lazy

you could say

youā€™re no longer going bananas

thatā€™s realistic

Fun Fact: I voted ā€œHeā€™s Stupidā€

I already gave you some feedback in a different topic, if you try to change for the better youā€™ll be respected, but if you never change donā€™t expect people to like you.

This is an important part of growing up; recognizing your behaviour and adjusting it accordingly, such as being less ā€œCaptain Obviousā€ and replying to clear, known answers. Itā€™d help a lot if you spent some more time reading.

I kinda wonder which people originally didnā€™t like me when I first came onto the forums, and how many of them are buddies/indifferent with me now :thinking:

dear god, yall need to lay off the man for a few moments please :sob:

I feel like you made this poll because you caved to your insecurities about what other people think of you. Itā€™s one way to acknowledge your mistakesā€¦ but it also just brings a lot of attention to you, especially from people who only care to point out your flaws even further. Which I think most people would - in your situtation - interpret as negative reinforcement for becoming a better person.

Yeah, I donā€™t know what to say about this post. I think you should honestly try to improve yourself, and hope that your reputation in this community can eventually recover. Or use what you have learned (Not sure if thereā€™s anything to learn from people making a hate bandwagon) to enter another community, or real life.

Your life is everything! You serve all purposes! You should love yourselfā€¦ NOW!