What do you think the Order of Aesir is trying to unleash?

Started thinking about this after learning that the Aesir are the primary deities in Norse mythology. Could that have anything to do with whatever it is they want to summon/unseal?

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Your mother


My guess is it’s related to the Titans, have thought this for a few months and I think it still holds up


its very interesting bc poseidon is from greek mythology, and the aesir is a reference to norse mythology, and wotan is apparently germanic mythology

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but its like different

Wotan could be seen as being synonymous with Odin, so

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They are not just the “primary deities” though that’s really close, and interesting seeing as Sumeria and such have a Norse theme. However, it’s important to recognize that there were two kinds of gods, the Vanir, who were nature gods, known for the power and majesty of what is natural. Then there were the Aesir, who were the gods of war. They come from Odin, Vili and Ve. Odin, the king of the Aesir, was also known as “Woden” or “Wotan”, and the leader of Jotunheim - a reference to the ice giants (I will continue this train of thought later) - is named, if I remember correctly, Woden.
In this line of thought, the Order of Aesir will ABSOLUTELY show up in the Nimbus sea in a much more prominent way, as well as Woden will be a prominent member. This means that they likely want something pertaining to war. Now, I could go on about how the Aesir in Norse mythology seal away Loki, a jotun/aesir, and later cause the end of the world and what that could mean, but I’m going to hit some sort of character cap before I do, so I’ll leave it at this.

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Wotan is one of the many names of Odin, actually, however, since the Arcane universe is based on a twist in greek mythology, I doubt the actual norse gods will be considered “gods” in the world, should they show up!

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This is interesting, as we know that titans do exist. Prometheus and his brother, Epimetheus, in greek mythology, are both titans who sided with the gods in the titan war, but Prometheus is referred to as a god in AU lore. If I had to make a guess, based on Norse and Greek mythos, the Order of Aesir likely do want to release some form of titan, as it lines up with both the lore and the norse theme - ragnarok is caused by a jotun and the children of the jotun, as well as many of the warning signs being the release of giants from their homes.

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ya same the lore riddles made me think the order wanted to create or revive a god

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revive prometheus (again)

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