What do you think the seas will be named

The Netherite Sea

Initially the bronze sea was called the southern sea and at some point it was changed due to “story reasons”

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This is a stupid assumption. I do not think it is “safe to say” that the other seas will follow a similar naming convention. That would be boring and dumb and the only other sea named after a metal I could get behind would be like Gold or something.

It’s called the Bronze Sea because of their high bronze production. Hell it could even have a second name and most people just call it the bronze sea in game because of their production

We also already have stuff like the Dark Sea. Even in AA there was the open sea which had the giant arena in it.

Trust me, it won’t follow a naming convention like that.


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You’re taking about a gamedev that named the seas the first sea-seventh sea in his last game, it would be surprising if it didn’t follow some pattern at all

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Still, that was an obvious thing that we knew was gonna happen. We don’t know if they’re gonna be named after metals, and it would be stupid and boring as hell if they were

Morbius Sea.

its going to be another ore
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yeah i think all the seas are going to be named after some unique/important attribute they all have, i think the metal idea is weird because it wouldnt really make sense that the only difference between the seas is that they all have an abundance of a different kind of metal

Ah gotcha
Thanks for the reply

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yall waiting for the silver and gold sea?

im waiting for the Actinium Sea
Aluminum Sea
Americium Sea
Antimony Sea
Argon Sea
Arsenic Sea
Astatine Sea
Barium Sea
Berkelium Sea
Beryllium Sea
Bismuth Sea
Bohrium Sea
Boron Sea
Bromine Sea
Cadmium Sea
Calcium Sea
Californium Sea
Carbon Sea
Cerium Sea
Cesium Sea
Chlorine Sea
Chromium Sea
Cobalt Sea
Copper Sea
Curium Sea
Darmstadtium Sea
Dubnium Sea
Dysprosium Sea
Einsteinium Sea
Erbium Sea
Europium Sea
Fermium Sea
Fluorine Sea
Francium Sea
Gadolinium Sea
Gallium Sea
Germanium Sea
Gold Sea
Hafnium Sea
Hassium Sea
Helium Sea
Holmium Sea
Hydrogen Sea
Indium Sea
Iodine Sea
Iridium Sea
Iron Sea
Krypton Sea
Lanthanum Sea
Lawrencium Sea
Lead Sea
Lithium Sea
Lutetium Sea
Magnesium Sea
Manganese Sea
Meitnerium Sea
Mendelevium Sea
Mercury Sea
Molybdenum Sea
Neodymium Sea
Neon Sea
Neptunium Sea
Nickel Sea
Niobium Sea
Nitrogen Sea
Nobelium Sea
Oganesson Sea
Osmium Sea
Oxygen Sea
Palladium Sea
Phosphorus Sea
Platinum Sea
Plutonium Sea
Polonium Sea
Potassium Sea
Praseodymium Sea
Promethium Sea
Protactinium Sea
Radium Sea
Radon Sea
Rhenium Sea
Rhodium Sea
Roentgenium Sea
Rubidium Sea
Ruthenium Sea
Rutherfordium Sea
Samarium Sea
Scandium Sea
Seaborgium Sea
Selenium Sea
Silicon Sea
Silver Sea
Sodium Sea
Strontium Sea
Sulfur Sea
Tantalum Sea
Technetium Sea
Tellurium Sea
Terbium Sea
Thallium Sea
Thorium Sea
Thulium Sea
Tin Sea
Titanium Sea
Tungsten Sea
Ununbium Sea
Ununhexium Sea
Ununpentium Sea
Ununquadium Sea
Ununseptium Sea
Ununtrium Sea
Uranium Sea
Vanadium Sea
Xenon Sea
Ytterbium Sea
Yttrium Sea
Zinc Sea
Zirconium Sea


Periodic table of arcane seas

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arcane alchemy

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Breaking Arcane

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:{ amythest/violet sea

Amethyst is my favourite element on the periodic table

violet is one of my fav colors, only reason i like amythest is because its a gem, which is pretty, its the color purple, close to violet, and because its called amethyst, nice name.

Bronze Sea
Sea of Ravenna
Cursed Sea
Dark Sea
Silver Sea
Ocean of Blood

:o OCEANS!??!?!?!?

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