What do YOU think the special conditions of Cursebeard defeating Prometheus were?

Basically, what do YOU think the special conditions that Cursebeard had to defeat the Gods were? Tech said that Cursebeard only defeated the Gods due to special conditions, so what do you think they would be? We obviously don’t have a lot to go off of, but it’s fun to brainstorm!

Cursebeard: Let’s tell everyone I kill you, make me seem big and strong and feared

Prometheus: What I get

Cursebeard: I give so many aurem

Prometheus: Good deal yes i agree ok


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That would be a major plot twist, that would actually be interesting tho if Prometheus wasn’t dead and Arthur just promised him tons of aurem to pretend to be dead

well he got revived by durza

Yeah I know I’m just saying

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my guess (dunno if by special conditions he means certain conditions, or unnatural conditions)

  • Cursebeard could gain power from aurem without burning them to Olympus (probably possible with primitive magic)
  • 100 year war wears down the gods
  • God mutiny against Prometheus (I mean he’s a titan, and humanity is fighting gods with power he gave them)
  • Hades (just cause he controlled Durza)
  • Probably one of the 11 Unknowns (because I think some of them are more powerful and older than gods?)

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the only ones that are more powerful and older are not living, such as chaos and the entity that created the world

he also stole the magic, as in greek mythology he stole fire, so another reason for the gods to be mad. However, Zeus and the other gods (except Poseidon and Hades and maybe others unnamed we don’t know) we’re also killed.

“New evidence” (not really) points to Torren being the condition

I think the special condition was that, well, there was a entire 100 year war going on there, Prometheus was obviously weakened or at least tired from fighting off all those wizards and other creatures (Vastus o_o)
Cursebeard probably wasn’t fighting that much gods off and his main goal was Prometheus.
I think this is a good explanation as to why Cursebeard also lost to Undead Zeus even with the curses, he was overwhelmed by the insane amounts of undead, he was tired and weak.

For some reason tech said torren really killed Prometheus

that was a year ago and he might’ve mixed them up but then again :flushed:

Still interesting though :man_shrugging:

Cursebeard: Hey gods, yo yo.

Prometheus: what

Cursebeard: Let’s 1v1

Prometheus: …ok…?

Cursebeard: Except, you cant use any weapons or magic

Prometheus: what no

Cursebeard: fuck you then im getting Vetex to nerf you

Prometheus: wiat-

one nerf later:

Cursebeard: bruh

Prometheus: stop harrassing me bro im tryna fish

Cursebeard: Have you heard? You got nerfed

Prometheus: Tell that to the Exiled

Cursebeard: Who?

Prometheus: You know what, this ain’t worth it.

Cursebeard: What.

Prometheus: goodbye world
jumps into void

Cursebeard: n e a t

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Idk, probably love and friendship?