What do you think vetex should prioritize? (yap)

This is not true at all. Prior to the update AO was averaging around like 1k players. Now it’s pretty consistently at around 2.5k- 3k. Like I can understand if you think there should’ve been more or whatever, but don’t be disingenuous and act like the update did nothing for the game, that’s just blatantly false.

Not for long.

I’ll kill you

You only wish to silence the truth

all development time would be spent on skills or they would be ass (that’s 16 moves a month)
maybe 1 wep skill and 1 rite a month, then 1 rare spell and 1 rare technique the next and it keeps alternating

Optimization, game runs like shit

Isn’t Vetex waiting on a specific team member to add Ardent Rise and Spirit Wall or Astrapikis?

tell galaga im jumping him if he doesn’t add spirit moves
not really but you get the point

Less than 50 fps in combat at medium graphics for a roblox game running at 1080p on an rx 6800 is actually so embarrassing I would not be able to show my face if that was my game

hmmm… game needs content … game runs bad… Nah, I’m going to write a brand new projectile system for vitality that is functionally identical to the projectile system used by weapons and magic , clearly this will improve my game … have to appease randoms in forums who think reusing code is bad …


and take a month doing so :skull:

i mean a lot of it was the vfx so hopefully other spirit moves will reuse the vfx and not take as long

If Astrapikis really is just a heavier placed explosion (lightning strike) why does it take so long?

Go ask vetex how the fuck should I know

Also placed explosions aren’t projectiles they just explode where your mouse is

That’s what I’m sayin’ cuh. We already have code for that.

Either unwillingness to work on VFX, something going on under the hood that makes it difficult, prioritizing the game as a whole over vitality, or any other number of reasons

Interview vetex if you wish to find out why

i was thinking it might have been more of a beam then Astropos (the ultimate art) would be the placed explosion
then spirit wall is a short range move with a shit ton of clash power and spirit walk is a leap-type move where you ⠀a s c e n d⠀ for a little bit

It’s possible.

No astropos is the low req and astrapakis the ult art

wrong, check in game