What do you think will be the first lost magics we will be able to learn?

How do you think will Lost Magic work?

I envision Lost Magics being obtained through extremely rare scrolls, similar in rarity to the most coveted items like acrimony or even rarer. These scrolls could be discovered in legendary treasure chests, earned as rewards for new type of challenge in the dark sea. Upon using a scroll, players would choose whether to replace their primary or secondary magic with the Lost Magic.

Potential Lost Magics

Flare Magic
Description: A powerful, visually impressive fire-based magic, already showcased by Iris in cutscenes and the Frostmill boss battle.
Aether Magic
Description: An advanced version of Light Magic, possibly akin to how Calvus wields his Light Magic.
Equinox Magic
Description: A blend of Light and Dark Magic, striking a balance between the two. It has been a popular suggestion and even has a dedicated page on the wiki, though not officially recognized. This magic could offer unique dual-element spells and balanced attacks.

Requirements for Changing Magic

To change to a Lost Magic, players might need to meet certain criteria:
Level Requirements: Achieve a specific level or have significant experience with their current magic.
Materials and Resources: Collect rare materials or items required for the transformation.

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I wish equinox was a lost magic ;-;

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mud magic when tho

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it’ll be both flare and aether as the first two added. Why? Because they both already exist in-game and just need an obtainment method (vetex is capable of setting his magic to both)


You don’t deserve mud magic

i’ve studied in the arts for 10,000 years… i am already a master of it…

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We know of a few garunteed to be added Lost magics already:
Flare, Aether, Frostmetal, Lunar, and Storm.
Flare and Aether are just about garunteed to be in the first set added, since they already exist ingame and just need an obtainment method.


Thats what I tought!

Mud magic would be very cool!
Maybe a gimmic magic where it deals little damage but sticks your oponent to it?

cant wait for sun magic so i can have the unmatched power of the sun

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microwave noises

So real.
Altough Palpatine could destroy a sun if he wanted

he couldnt even survive a regular reactor core, let alone a star

bro palpatine is not goku :sob:
his ass is NOT surviving being thrown into the sun

Not being thrown in the sun, but a force stromm has aready destroyed planets in the past (vitiate), and palpatine is stronger than him, soooo

idk but i think they should be dropped in twos because i think if lost magics drop literally one at a time people are gonna be waiting a long ass time to finally be able to get a lost magic they actually want

I think two is too little to make up for a game with that many magics, I think 6 would be a good start, so we would have time to choose our favorite,
Do you want to do 56 flare dmg dot?
Or do you want to use SOLID CUTTING LIGHT with Aether…
Maybe you like a flame that has a blueish collor?
idk, we need options

alright well if there was going to be a monthly update consisting of nothing but lost magics the absolute most i can imagine vetex finishing in that timeframe is maybe four–five if he’s locked the fuck in

i only say two assuming a hypothetical update would have other stuff too

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I just want one thats just funnier plasma :sob: