What does generation mean in world of magic?

im on 32nd generation but i dont even know what it means can someone explain?

One generation is 1 month.
And it goes from when WoM was created
Meaning WoM is 32 months old.
Only developers or testers have gems 1-4
Some generations like 5, 7 and 9 can appear for players because of Open tests at the time.
11th generation is when WoM was released.

I wonder if they will reset generations when ao releases

iirc there’s gonna be a new generation system that’s more simplified

forever regreting deleting my open test files not that it matters


hhmmm interesting

there is indeed a new system
Gen 1 - Played Online Fighting or whatever it was called
Gen 2 - AA beta player
Gen 2.5 - Formerly AA player but was removed because AA was still playable though closed.
Gen 3 - WoM open test player
Gen 4 - WoM player
Gen 5 - AO player

yeah a system relying on badges is way better then relying on people not deleting character slots

Oh i think i remember seeing that in the trello yea

too bad that gen 2.5 was removed

A way to flex how old your file is.
In AO, a way to flex how old you have been obsessed with Vetex with.
Planned AO Gen 5 might become Gen 6 cause of possibility of open test (which i don’t remember if it is still true.)

there’s gonna be a new generation system based on which of vertex’s previous games you have played. I’m guessing it uses a badge-based system for this. I don’t remember all of the generations but some of them I think include if you played: online fighting, AA (only if you played during beta) WoM after release (11+ gen in wom) and MAYBE one for people who played WoM during beta versions?? I’m not sure about that one and there’s probably more of vertex’s older games that would be earlier gens than those but yeah.

I really fucking regret losing my old roblox account now :sob:


same lmfao

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