(Probably irrelevant real soon)
metaphor for politics
tic tac toe
I already know what it relates to(very relevant to some) bot what does it mean, even I don’t know, not a quiz
It symbolizes the concept of simplicity, there is no need for extensive coding or equipment to enjoy your life. Some games require years of typing on a keyboard and millions of dollars to create or even extreme physical determination, effort, practice, and tens of millions of dollars of contracts, all it takes is a couple of lines. Who needs massive stadiums built from the hard work and purring of heavy machinery or entire buildings full of computers with dedicated people working long hours to create their product, when all you need is four lines?
Some people strive to put forth their total and absolute effort to achieve happiness, others spend days tirelessly working on the same spot to create their masterpiece, but a small few only need four lines. This shows that while putting long hours doing the same thing or extreme effort combined with teamwork can achieve your goals, but you don’t always need that in life, you could live with what you have or use the little that you have to create your happiness.
Tldr; it represents #MAPPride
looks like tic tac toe
What does that acronym stand for
if i remember correctly it’s not good
I knew it stood for something, was hoping it wasn’t that
Do you want the actual answer or the joke
Its best you dont have to know
i’d like the joke since i don’t get it
tic tac toe?
Ok serious answer, this looks like a pigpen cipher grid, specifically the first 9 letters of the alphabet