What effects do you think insanity effect will do?

laughs in 1000+ hrs in skyrim

how about the insanity buff is instead a special scenario. your mind is weakened and invaded by unnatural dark forces and your inner demons. You randomly get “headaches” which give you tunnel vision and during a headache your magic cast speed is lowered due to your mind already being strained

For good players, (like when they use magic limbs) going to a special place to face those inner darknesses the user can kill it and recover somewhat

For bad players, murdering non hostile civilians will slowly render them in the same state. Its easier for a villain but takes longer while a hero is quicker but is harder

this doesnt cure insanity rather the player adjusts to it. Good guys become more “mentally weakened” and bad guys “psychopathic” which instead makes the effects only appear when working with certain objects or when near death but are still “normal” in a sense that the effects are not active all the time. Instead the user expiriences these headaches when near cursed objects or places that can cause insanity effects to psychopaths.

think someone like Manson or Yoshikage kira on what i mean by obviously insane but you couldnt tell at a first glance. they appear normal but they are pure psychopaths but have these lapses in complete human morality that causes them to do dangerous things to others

Would be nice to have a blackout effect on insanity, like for example, you reached high enough insanity to black out, this would cause your screen to go black and also ragdoll.

This actually seems good, time to suggest it!

A very rare chance of a fake crash would be so mind-screwing :eyes: