What enemies do you guys want to be added in AO?

whats MC?


Special villages which only spawn at random throughout the world

The villagers would either be hostile or nonchalant but can use magic. (Kind of like semi-passive bandits)

that would be cool but jiggle in with the storyline

someone with mud magic

never knew minecraft meant MC

An ant that tried to climb over the promethean flame curse and managed to absorb it.

Best final boss concept.

like this?

Something that is an equal match/actually challenging to fight when its the same level as you

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vetex, I want vetex as an enemy

u could play arcane reborn

bad suggestion

if you want to beat an undead god into the ground you could play it

He said Demi-god

just go play God of War or anything that isnt AR, you’ll get a more fulfilling experience no matter what it is

playing AR only causes sadness, I have 150 hours behind my words and I mean every ounce of them :skull:

its fun until third sea, then it sucks.

valid statement, I can agree with that one

You only have 150 hours in AR? I wish I was in your shoes. Being killed by bingus while fishing with the homies was not fun.

AR = bad
