What exactly does the dupe glitch do?

I thought it just duped your items but you also lose your character file? Im confused someone help.

it dupes a file on top of another one

what happened to me was file 1 duped itself onto file 3, completely deleting file 3 but making it so I had 2 versions of file 1

file #3 used to be an acid character, but file #1 duplicated itself on top of it

Wait, is it possible for a file to dupe onto an empty file?

no idea. might have happened to someone idk.

Alr thanks for the help.

One files overights another file leaving you with 2 of the same file.

You know, maybe duper’s are abusing the profile dupe but to actually dupe items. You can multiply you items that way.

I thought one file overwrote the other two. Nah, It’s just your outfits :sweat_smile: