Just say what features you feel like you want to return or be added this can be abilities and QoL features that used to exist in Arcane Adventures or any of vetex’s past games.
One of the features i’d like to return is the clashing features where 2 magic users would be able to clash in a cutscene having to press a randomly selected range of letters to win which would be sick.
So I have no idea if this could work but add animal taming bc if they can make path finding hostile enemies I believe they could try to add a taming ability to give advantages but they are adding flight so no use for things like horses.
I just want more “COOL SHIT”… more fighting styles (step in the right direction w/ this so far), moves… HEAVY ON NEW MOVES… magics
and a shit ton of minibosses/random ships that jump you while sailing in the sea. If I join one of those PvE no PvP servers i will wanna feel like I’m bouta get touched up 24/7 fr fr this time by the AI