What Fighting Styles Are You Planning to Use in AO?

What does oc mean ;-;

stands for original character, basically means any character that is original or different in some way or another than any other existing character

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That makes sense

If I knew that before I probably would’ve used it in some of my previous topics

Thermofist, to be in line with my heat theme. The fast punches also sound really cool

I’m going warlock so maybe a lost or ancient fighting style if we’re allowed to get those, I haven’t really thought about a second fighting style

Maybe knocking fist cause of paralysis, I’m not really sure

Either Thermofist or karate, thermo cause it just sounds really cool and ppl like cool things and karate since it focuses on grabs and grabs seem pretty powerful

Idk haven’t really thought of it yet, will think about it once we get more selection

Impact fist. Ofc Vet said it’ll be different, but we don’t have much to go off of to gauge how powerful the other fighting styles will be. Actually maybe vampirism cause it sounds like it’ll proc bleed which will be really good and it also heals you

Vampirism cause sounds the coolest

By process of elimination radius fist cause the others seem like they’ll be really common

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the popularity stuff for lost fighting styles is irrelevant since everyone will use the first one they find, if they ever find one

also using acid w sailor because i’m trying to start thinking like this

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I’ll return in 58


also combat is 100% the most used on a technicality :+1:

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Won’t ppl try to trade for them? Most people rn are under the impression that lost/ancient stuff will be tradable

other than basic combat, boxing and karate will definitely be the most popular base fighting styles

depends on how easily obtainable they are

Since they’re base fighting styles they’ll probably be fairly obtainable to keep strength enjoyers balanced with magic and weapon users

Well those are base fighting styles, we’ll learn them from NPCs

I kind of feel like boxing is (or will be) underrated, I mean, it does have knockback

I should’ve added a underrated poll

tbh since it’s a sea based file i think Acid/Sailor Fist/Magma could be really good. It’s true that acid and magma have conflicting puddles (magma evaporates acid, acid solidifies magma) but their damage bonuses probably make up and it’s not like puddles are gonna be too useful out in the middle of the ocean. On land I could just stick to one magic if it really matters

yeah but i mean like they could be a bit out of the way or have costs like aa, or some sort of quest connected

also if ships have ladders or some sort of way to get back up, i could just jump in the fucking ocean, refill salt water, then make magma platforms to get back to my ship. idk what other fighting style i would want for base combat so i might just use sailor fist and then wait for a lost before i get another

meta-wise i think karate is kinda mediocre given all the nerfs grabs have had along with the fact you can’t use them on bosses

bruh radius fist my fav fighting style

yes but it’s not about the meta it’s what the average newbie would use :smirk: