What guild do you hate most? And why?

waping’s bank guild, i fucking hate it oh my god its so bad because i hate it

(little did we know, perf secretly simps waping’s bank guild extremely hard. perf eagerly awaits the day he can finally join the guild)

i hate the owner
heard he was so lame he ditched the guild and gave it to some guy called abby lamina

You don’t know shit about guilds stop talking

I was going to stop but now that you replied to me I won’t. Also I do know stuff about guilds, I’m just not that involved with them cause it’s infested with pests like you.

For an average AO Joe, guilds don’t really have an effect on your playthrough, honestly yall mfs gotta shut the fuck up because I bet a good 60-70 percent of people who complain about guilds have never been ganked or jumped. And if you retards were jumped, it was because you’re in a guild and they were just trying to play the game and get infamy.


Everyone in this topic has 100% been ganked or jumped idk what your on about. (Unless your a new gen in that case I agree with you)

No shit sherlock, but who would enjoy getting ganked or jumped? It does not matter if they are just playing the game, if your on the receiving end you won’t like it.

Nobody but at the end of the day it isn’t a big deal because you lost like 1-3 internet points

Yea and you had to jump other people to get it, so nobody likes to lose them. And infamy is the only reason your in a guild, otherwise they would just be pointless if there was nothing to gain in them.

free bank… That’s why I made my guild.

You’re highly fucking exaggerating, I’ve had encounters on discord or even this forum where people have never experienced being ganked in WoM, but still have a hatrid for the guild system & guilds in general.

Even if everybody in the community did get ganked, that wouldn’t fuel an individuals hatrid for the guild system or guilds in general due to the fact that an individual would have to be in a guild to get ganked in the first place.

Furthermore, if an individual was in a guild and did get ganked, I’d presume they’re probably some asshat with under 200 infamy and barely any PvP skill, so why should they even care about losing 1-5 infamy in the first place, it’s not like it matters, those individuals are most likely never going to achieve any infamy goals they have in place unless they actually improve their own skill.

You’re a very unreliable source to provide a quote on quote ‘common’ viewpoint amongst WoM players.


no more noble hate bro whats the point anymore :sob: :sob: :sob:

noble :pray:


omg i died and lost 4 internet points wahhhhhhhh

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i hate the guildless

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No ple

Earth Gang, because they have the power of over 9000.

so true :disappointed:

I am too weak to face them, even with their beam spam (or… maybe just the average beam amount in a gank?)

Anyway, no guild is bad to me, unless they cheat