Self explanatory and if you can provide a explanation to why you think that guild will (eg; tryhards, etc)
Noble, Roselight Guardians, Azure Sorcery, and maybe Suncry will probably be up there soon after the update releases due their active players.
you underestimate my guild. Spellbreakers has a bunch of active members but we’re literally the only AS guild so we’re gonna dominate RKs in our server region. No competition for us at all.
i fell like theres gonna be alot of people just ask other guilds to pvp for a while till one dosnt want to disgrace there guild anymore
i think it will also be a HUGE pain to get infamy cause theres no specific pvp mode or zone so most will probably rk or other such things
defenitively not noble, thats for sure
Does that say you will kill random killers… if so that’s amazing because i hate random killers
we probably wont tbh, we’re not exactly ones for rking. we’ll probably be targeting rkers. rk the rkers. lmao. except erik will probably make the entire wizard population go extinct.
I’m sorry but Syndicate will come out on top.
The guild filled with Suncry members?
You think it’s filled with Suncry members? Lol if only you knew who we have.
Aren’t only 2 of the members in Suncry since you and Orion left?
We wave men losing
Aren’t there only two members in Suncry since we left? Is that what you’re trying to say?
Pretty sure there’s a good few Suncry members there.
Even if there were, I’m pretty sure they’d jump ship if it was Suncry vs Syndicate.
I know there are, and if they’re gonna jump why keep them in Syndicate?
Oh I meant, they’d jump into Syndicate, not Suncry lad.
Are you sure about that?
I’m just joking man, don’t raise your blood pressure.