What guild should I join

I kinda don’t like guilds that much but again it is boring for me so can anyone give me some good guild recommendations I like good pvp guilds with not many players ( prob in like 50-100 or more idk) and the community is nice and not rly toxic

None. Guilds suck.
Go solo.


I’m in a guild and its called the trades union so if u want to join I know its not a pvp guild but I didn’t see the last part till I was like done writing

How many members does it have

What are you looking for in a guild?

Prob good nice community good pvpers and has a decent amount of members ( ik this too much to ask but I ask anyway or I’ll just wait for the guild update then decide)

107 people

join mine dde we are john

If you’re looking for pvp, i’ve got you. I own a guild with a little over 20 active members. We may be small but we’re strong, our main requirement is having a microphone.

I don’t have a microphone…

Not bad is it light?

its a neutral guild

U can actually have a neutral guild? Thought there only light and dark

idk think u can tho oh and its not mine

I read Trello there no neutral only light and dark I prefer light guilds though

k I think if there is not neutral I think they will go light

BTW are the members at least decent in pvp cuz there are such things as guild wars you know

yeah they are

BTW my first time on this forum and on discord so idk much about the channels and stuff like that

oh ok I haven’t been on the forum much to i made an account and then stop using it for a while