What happened to lost magics in the trello

i just noticed that lost magics were removed from trello and i want to know if they will return in the future when will lost magics be added back in the trello

Bro think he image

Anyway yeah, basically it was just too early to say what Lost magics would exist by the time we got to them being added.

Vetex was tired of people being overly hyped about them. It even got to a point where if he made any changes to the list (like removing mud magic), a bunch of posts were getting made about it “in protest”.

It’s not fair. Can’t just tell us about something so cool and not let us use it.

i wanted to know when the lost magic re added in the trello

when they’re being made player obtainable is most likely

mud magic sucks i wanted to see lost magics
i am going to get aether magic for my first crystal conjurer in the future updates and my emerald crystal conjurer darkness magic the wiki removed some pictures as well