its joever for scaldlock
Imbues have lost their visual indicators for whatever reason. They still function perfectly fine, though.
Its now burn and snowy which cancels eachother out
that can’t be right dude
Im switching to iron leg snow
Snow sailor is a dollar store version of ice sailor
join a diff server, see if it’s still a problem, first
I am curious, how does snow sailor feel? Considered it before settling on ice
Steam imbue somehow completely broke when the Dark Sea update released. Should be fixed with this coming mini-update.
Oh well
Its a dollar store version you do 0 bonus damage on frozen targets
snow sailor is better than ice sailor
yes because blind + it’s faster
if you have even a little skill with aim it’s WAY better
well I tried it in 1.11 it was quite garbage because of the -60% dmg because of the stupid frozen
its way better now that the -60% is gone
Oh alr but ima try Iron leg first
Forgot self negative synergies were disabled, so snow sailors isn’t nearly as bad
Speed can be bumped up with atkspeed tho and doesn’t ice have greater size (no idea what snows stats are lol)
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