What I think of you based on what magic you use

My opinions on magic users + coolness rating
Acid - green magic, probably a conj or mage 9/10
Ash - who are you 2/10
Crystal - 50% chance your file name is Walter white because you think you are funny, another independent 50% chance you a running iron leg or something stupid 5/10
Earth - you are running this with an attack size build 7/10
Explosion - basic neutral 7/10
Fire - basic but cool 8/10
Glass - cool 10/10
Ice - you probably run this with wind 7/10
Light - you are a conj 7/10
Lightning - basic bad, you are so unbelievably basic 4/10
Magma - nothing to say about this one it’s like earth but hot? 6/10
Metal - mrhyperspace runs this one! But yeah same as earth 7/10
Plasma - basic but in a way where no one picks it 8/10
Poison - bro think he Merlot, you also are running a microwave build and for that it gets 9/10
Sand - yeah!!! :money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face:10/10
Shadow - mordens emo brother, which is impressive because he’s already emo 0/10
Snow -basic again, nothing to say about you, sands lame cousin 7/10
Water - water 8/10
Wind - you either are a conj, warlock with boxing (for the knockback!!) or wind ice 9/10
Wood - you ran this a joke because it looks ugly as shit 10/10


Hiiiiii :3

when I am in a mid competition and my opponent is an ash user

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It’s the definition of mid, I don’t even hate it? It’s just like, who uses this? At least with like wood when people run it they run it because it’s a good magic that looks a little dookie, but like with ash you have a mid version of poison, which doesn’t ignite so you can’t do microwave stuff, has a mid dot, mid damage, mid size, mid speed and it still LOOOKS UNIMPRESSIVE

Do these ranking also count for their fighting style equivalents

I feel like I would rate them differently but they all aren’t unique enough in my eyes to really separate them
I guess
Iron leg would be like 8/10 cool
Thermo 7/10
Boxing 5/10, not that the user isn’t cool, boxing is just so lame it brings down the overall rating
Cannon fist 9/10
Sailor 7/10
Basic 9/10

Boxing is the ash of fighting styles if that makes sense

at least boxing has a gimmick lol, but i agree it’s the lamest

Another low rating for us shadow users :money_mouth_face:

The fun with ash arrives once you get to a high enough level the cloud dot can stunlock

Unfortunately after the intensity rework this is no longer possible

Tbh I’m just a hater, shadow can be cool sometimes, especially with paladin, if you are running it with paladin 7/10

Paladin makes most magics cooler

I ran explosion with ash one time and it was really nothing significant, it’s a nothing magic

Plasma ruthless my beloved :blush:

wdym cloud dot can stunlock?

A real game changer

@OnionCream :lightning_magic_var1:
@DeronChepem :lightning_magic_var1:

:lightning_magic_var2: :lightning_magic_var2: :lightning_magic_var2:

what is this dude on about

Too many 7/10s, had to be a hater to make it look like I had strong opinions

boring loud magic :speaking_head: :fire:

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