What if Acheron/Durza didn't miss?

what if Durza had no skill issue and landed his attack?

No more Theos so uh
Durza takes all the magic in the world

What if you titled your topics appropriately? What if you developed the content you post to these forums? What if you stopped being slop incarnate? What if you stopped making off-topic replies?

We’ll never know, which is why I’ll do it in your stead.

That was uncalled for…

Ya, Durza would be alive and he would maybe be the main focus because he may sooner or later discover the war sea clusters…

was the topic called something else before?


what was it

Guys, what if

theos tanks it trust (immense cope)

what if you stopped being a cunt? What if you stopped thinking you are better than everyone else?

we will never know, please leave the forums i can smell your fedora and lack of touch from a woman from here


are you allowed to say that word here?
I mean…maybe if your Australian but…

Don’t say it dont…
look man I tolerate you sometimes but there are days where I wish you’d fall into a pit of punji sticks left behind by my grandfathers and uncles back in Vietnam alone and without any means of calling for help as you slowly rot away unable to free yourself.

today is one of those days.

as polite as I try to be, some fucker like you has to be oh so fucking annoying and irritate me so much that I simply cannot see them as another human being and rather something that exists to be a living nuisance that needs to simply cease to be

this will change like 80% of arcane lore,
theo would dead, and the AA mc will woke up as an average mage cus they had no mentor.

it will affect a HUGE impact to the storyline (also in AO) if durza discover the war seas cluster, welp he’s gonna be a main focus and we HAD to deal with him.
also morden and warren will be in danger cus durza will hunt them down to steal their curse

“Arcane Adventures, chapter 1”

You awoke on an Island, surrounded by what seems to be shambling corpses, stationed idly on the corners of the isle

A black swirl appears Infront of you, emerging a peculiar disembodied figure with an imposing aura of darkness

“Arise my servant, I am your master, and you will obey every word I say.”

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ok so big changes i think would prominent

  • Continents still intact, the blast hit Theos in the air instead of hitting the ground
  • Presumably less magic energy dispersed around the world

In the immediate aftermath most likely the only thing that changes is that Theos is dead. Fracture still happens and the world still turns into islands and the dark sea still covers most of the planet.

After that though things get kinda crazy. Peacekeeper never actually becomes the Peacekeeper because Theos isn’t around to mentor them. Acheron never loses undead Prometheus so that’s a pretty powerful asset he still has in his army. Acheron also isn’t avoiding Theos since bro is dead so a lot of seas aren’t as safe as they were in the normal timeline. The battle with Cursebeard and his army go about the same, maybe Acheron is able to keep undead Poseidon with the help of undead Prometheus? I don’t think that would change much regardless. Anyways after that no Peacekeeper to defeat Acheron so he’s still alive and now it becomes a lot harder to judge what happens next. I guess for one he cements his control over the Seven seas beats the shit out of the AG, but after that it could go basically anywhere. In a way it kinda depends on Hades, is the experiment done at this point? In a new phase where he’ll add a new variable or interfere to shake things up? Does he just let go on without interference longer? If it is done what does he do? A bit of how he would handle the situation also kinda depends on how much control he has over Acheron, as far as I know it’s a little unclear.

There is another alternate path here. Acheron’s blast hits Theos and stops so the continents don’t get nuked. I don’t think this would happen since a blast that powerful would probably just eviscerate Theos and keep going until it hits something much harder. However if it did actually stop after hitting Theos it would change things massively. Continents are still around and most of humanity doesn’t die in the immediate earthquakes. Although the massive amount of magic energy going around probably stays the same since the force of the blast isn’t really changing here, just what it breaks upon. How exactly the dark sea would cover the world and which places it wouldn’t is pretty hard to tell. What exactly happens after the magic energy of the attack is released is entirely up in the air.

We could make some stuff up I guess, maybe the magic energy from the dark sea can’t travel that far inland so it only takes the ocean borders of the continent and everything else is mostly safe? Well now we got a world where all the continents(except Europe, Africa, and Asia) are separated from each other(if we follow the idea of the Dark sea consuming Ocean borders Panama is probably taken over completely too so North and South America are separated). How the existing powers in the world respond is pretty hard to tell. Though those powers are basically just Cursebeard and I guess kinda Hades sorta in a way, so at least there aren’t that many groups you need to account for. Anyways I got nothing from this point on, but this was fun to think about.

My theory on the big fracture magic mega nuke blast is that a vast majority of its energy went into the ground itself
The epicenter is litterly a giant hole in the ground, and it’s full of magma, it’s possible that most of durza’s attack went into the earths mantle, which would explain the continent shattering
And now, the epicenter being the still open hole from the blast leading to the earths interior constantly spews out massive jets (the purple beams) of magic radiation into the sky, leading to the toxic irradiated dark sea rain

theos would press g