What if an honor system was added to Arcane Odyssey? (Suggestion out of suggestions)(Kitchen burnt down)

So recently I’ve being reading all of the drama on the forums since I’ve got nothing better to do and its struck me that all of the drama here is caused by the disconnect between pve and pvp, namely, ganking and balance changes. While the balance problem wont be fixed anytime soon, courtesy of veto games I feel like the problem of rking could be fixed rarher simply with an honor system.

What is honor system?

’ For the 2 Lionhearts: Crusade players out there this is basically a carbon copy of the system from there.

In lionhearts, there exists several “zones”: infernum (drop all items upon death), arena (arena), and 2 others which I forgot the name of. But thats not important, since whenever you kill someone in a zones thats not 1 of the first 2 you lose “honor”.

’ What does losing “honor” do?

At 0 (base) honor in lionhearts, upon death you lose 20% of gold and 20% of items up to a certain tier of rarity. The lower honor gets (from rking), the more items and gold you lose, eventually at the lowest honor you gain a dishonourable title that is visible to all other players as well as losing the arcane odyssey equivalent of all of your gear when you die (inversely, high honor would cause you to lose less items).

Now, what if such a feature was added to Arcane Odyssey?

’ It would basically heavily discourage overworld rking since i dont think anyone wants to risk losing their shiny modified t2 enchanted gear when they die.

Some ways to lose/gain honor:
Naturally, hunting using posters and the upcoming duels feature would be exempt from honor loss, only overworld random kill-upon-sifht behaviour would be effected. Addituonally, honor can be gained with an “appraisal” system where you interact with them to give them honor.
Killing players with low honor would also give honor

Uh anyway what do y’all think (btw mods!!! This isnt a suggestion!!! A discussion!!! Totally!!!)

Ok I’m going to eat please dont have a 400 reply long argument when I get back

That sounds terrible for reasons that I shan’t elaborate on as I don’t have the time to do so.

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imo you shouldnt lose gear, only reagents

also legendary tier items should only be dropped at the very lowest honor so you cant lose acrimonies unless you’re the uber ganker

Yes, cook more


yes but you probably shouldn’t be able to lose anything above half your max level, exotic rarity or above, and anything like the special makrinaos armor

You should, because you had it coming when you ganked, saw you lost stuff on death, yet kept on going

I should note that in lionhearts ot takes like 15 kills to go to lowest honor

RKing people should sort your inventory by most valuable and wipe the top item for each kill


Exploiters using duped acrimonies as ‘shields’:

This is cool and all but since this is a PvP idea that involves actual stakes with an awkward combat system it would be terrible for a game like AO.

Not to mention there are literally no other stakes like this anywhere else. So the existence of this one would feel very incredibly out of place. Also this opens up the chance for a random person to just kill with limited knowledge of the system and then lose their stuff.

(This is especially bad with how obnoxious dark sea is)

This works better in a semi-roguelike game on the likes of rogue lineage or deepwoken.

But in AO? Yeah no.

Honor system? Red dead redemption?

stop cooking

90% of “random” kills are for posters…