Let’s assume in an alternate timeline Zeus got the aurem instead of Prometheus and eventually made some “grand lightning” curses like Prometheus did with the Grand Fire curses. Let’s then assume someone was to find one, how powerful would they be?
about as powerful as someone with the grand fire curse, but with lightning
paralyze magic
If zeus had gotten all the aurem I bet vetex would’ve made aether lightning a grand lightning curse
Promethean lightning
Lets be thankful it was promethean flame and not promethean water
Promethean wood
If that existed I would have grinded so hard until I got it
I think that Grand Lightning Curses would be far more powerful than Grand Fire Curses, since Zeus was stronger than Prometheus to begin with, until Prometheus got high on aurem. There’s a Grand Fire Curse for each aspect of fire (heat, spreading, explosiveness, brightness) and one that’s the embodiment of them all. I imagine Grand Lightning Curses would be the same way. The Grand Lightning Curses wouldn’t be too different from the Grand Fire Curses I imagine, but probably more powerful.
fr, man be high AF
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