What if we didn't know about death

trigger warning: Something off-topic discussed in off-topic

recently I got a random thought that was actually kind of interesting to think about:

What if we never knew about death?

now I know there will be people who want to think that this is impossible, I wholeheartedly agree with you. But imagine that in this scenario, the government censors all death cases from the news, people are brainwashed to think that “unalive” animals/humans are just sleeping really really well and death as a concept was just… Not talked about. I know that people could always experience something on accident, but in this reality they wouldn’t end up thinking about it too much because death is not talked about.
To summarize, people in this reality are oblivious to the concept of death.

would you live your life differently if you weren’t aware of death?
I believe this is an interesting thing to think about because all of us were not aware of the possibility of death at some point early in our lives.

How did you find out about death?

My own story read if you care

I was like 5-7 and I had this crazy neighbor. One day I was hanging out at their place and he just randomly asked me “are you aware that our life is temporary and may be ended at any moment?”. This scared me at the time but luckily my kid brain was not very developed to really think about it. I think that I was never really the same after he told me that.

It’s pretty obvious that death influences our way of thinking and doing. But what if that just… Wasn’t there?

I’d have jumped off a bridge a lot sooner

Are you speaking to us from the bottom of a river right now?

Chances are i would probably be dead

Well the govermeant could kill whoever they want and just say that they went to sleep so I’m pretty sure everything would change

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I’d probably do something dumb and die really quickly

How did you find out about death?


at least I took the full force once

if I didn’t know true scale of death I’d be a happier man

Close - bottom of a cliff

My dog died.

Then the only thing that would change would be the amount of things that we are forbidden from doing in order to prevent death as if we were toddlers being monitored by a guardian.
Or maybe not, I guess armed crime/threats wouldn’t be as prominent since there’d be no reason to be afraid of being at a shotgun’s end.

if we’re meant to think that people enter a permanent sleep instead of dying, it wouldn’t make that much difference to me. I still wouldn’t want that. That would be like becoming a vegetable

I genuinely do not remember. This probably means that people around me just talked about it pretty casually and I eventually figured it out.