What is a decent,bad and good enchant for trading boss drop or sunken item

ex: like hard (weapon)

Kind of confusing but if you mean what ench boss drops are good trade in bulk for sunkens, its really just any best enchant item, strong oaths are the most valuable and compact one so you can trade those in bulk but its not a requirement to do so, you can do a mix of heavy exi armour, strong exi armour, heavy wojs, oaths, strong vastiras, etc, though that’s a bit harder to have more of in bulk so

oh wait i think ur saying what are the good enchants bad enchants and such for each item respectively in that case take a peep at this

ok thanks for the info

yo is hard enchant on wizard armor or amulet power count as a meta


W plug

what merchant/wanted merchant that sell amulets

any wanted merchant/merchant can sell amulets or wiz gear or any common item for that matter (i think), but it’s just at random so all you can do is pray to rngesus


Forceful is ass

Hard- armor wise is good
Strong- weapon wise is good
Everything else i’ll leave to the professionals

unless on exiled armor

but this topic was already solved so no need to continue :person_shrugging:

enchant scrolls will exist so we’ll never have to worry about it ever again

AO traders after opening a sealed chest and getting a bad enchant scroll: :frcryin:


What u guys want for sunken sword?

Armor (Usually): Hard > Powerful > Clean > Strong > Anything Else > Forceful
Weapon (Usually): Strong > Swift > Hard

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