What is a good name for a Grand Navy Ketch?

I don’t have any good ideas for mine lol

on my gravy file i named it “women :coffee:” because the gravy is sexist, i mean they give you like 500 fame for beating up sirens which are women

You could just name it after the sail pattern or figurehead.

wait i could make it a joke about them being fascists because they’re seizing control over a place where the kingdoms should be in charge

sauce pan

The Grand Arkeus

the uwuer

yeah thats funny

Name it “The One Ball Racists”

The Ship that acquires Gravitas

(I have not read the books but the joke is nice)

use the dog figurehead and name it The Hound Of Justice or smth like that

name it “the lobotomizer” and use a red maiden figurehead

Grand Navy doesn’t give you fame. Civillians do.

The Great Jusitce

use phoenix figurehead: The Grand Phoenix