What is a single Prometheus's Acrimony worth?

I just got one from a chest somehow and I’ve been getting in-game offers for around 30-40k, but idk if it’s worth more or less. Help me out here fellas.


Like, 1k more or 10k more?

around more than 40k :nod:

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people typically sell it on the auction house for around 100k so i’d go for that


worth like 80-90k iirc

10 minutes with mayor tilly

You can sell interchange pots for about 65k each on the marketplace so you can get 130k out of it

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They are more like 120k now per acrimony (their price lowered fairly recently, around the time you posted). Occasionally you can find one selling for less.

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Yup, they started decreasing in price around when i posted that but at that time the lowest was still around 63-65k per interchange pot, while rn its more like 59-61k. Sure you can find some for lower from time to time but that isnt what defines the value of an item

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I personally would go for the 200k or even more due to their rarity & use, but if you must to, flow with the community if you accept the price.

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