What is an acrimony worth these days?

what is an acrimony worth these days

like 40k

i mean item-wise

  • 2 powerful scrolls at best
  • A sunken iron chest at best
  • As for seasonals 1-2 easter lanterns or americans. Eggs arent worth anything so not gonna mention those and any other seasonal is more valuable

galleons are worth nothing, if you were offered 40k galleons for an acrimony would you take it?

Thats the marketprice for it rn :man_shrugging:
Acris have very low demand rn cuz 90% of players who wanted to reset their stats already did so with the free reset

Also since we are talking about acris i might as well mention a fun fact:
Theres a guy with 320+ acris rn (i think he has 328?) :skull:

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man i kinda agree but i spent like 400k gal and 1 acrimony for 2 sunken swords (separate trades) sooo idk