What is an underrated class? (I need recommendations honestly

I have a joke save iron leg juggernaut and oh my god he is amazing please try it if you haven’t tried strength before

oh yeah 4 lightning conjurers out of the entire forums
i don’t know a single other lightning conjurer main outside the forums but i can name like 20 mages


well now you’re just generalizing, it wouldn’t be fair to compare a specific class to people who use a specific magic and class

I literally got jumped by one last time I hopped on AO

No one plays it I don’t know why :sob:

I have not seen one yet, is this normal?

light magic savant is fire

Oracle is locked cause there’s only 1 vitality rite

ohhh ok

use vitality builds to spite the masses

either way i know much less conjurers than mages and even less lightning conjurers than lightning / light mages

the “everyone runs lightning conjurers” bit is getting kinda annoying because i literally see zero lightning conjurers ingame and in the community outside the forums and a million mages (half of which use either lightning or light)

really? because for me almost every server i’m in has a lightning conjurer. I’ve seen a good chunk of lightning/light mages too but not to the degree of lightning conjurers

aint no way…
i cannot tell you the last time i saw a lightning conjurer ingame how

i guess we simply live in different timelines

if you want some visual guide on which looks the coolest, look at the gallery section of their related wiki pages


i knew paladin as a class existed but i didnt know that the merciless trait could combine with ur magic and make ur attacks tinted red

i have seen a total of zero fire mages ingame besides me

I have a friend who searches the player list, looks at everyone’s builds, and if they have a magic he’ll rat it out by searching their inventory for arcaniums via the trading menu. (I have no idea why, he just does this everytime he enters a server) He usually plays in the bronze sea, and says that like more than half the conjurors he sees run lightning

what the fuck
have i just been somehow avoiding every lightning conjurer ever both ingame and in the community

Lightning conj used to be pvp meta now it’s Acid conj