What is neviro doing at sailor's lodge?!?!


and why does he look menacing

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nah bro’s going to go to akursius and rebuild winterveil

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he could actually rebuild winterveil in the game

“Neviro how big was that fish Morden caught?”
“It was this big”

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“how big and fluffy was morden’s death curse tail?”

“Neviro, how underrated is Iron Leg?”

IRON LEG??? UNDERRATED??? (complete sentence)

As underrated as a solid choice of 6 total options can be.

it goes

sailor style
iron leg

in my head, honestly.
boxing on imbuement tho is amazing because of the attack speed boost it gives

Dude it’s seen as like the second most powerful option for fs

ah yes a common topic consisting of posts by the forum’s yapper trinity: hyper, stock, and spicytuna :sob:

He’s just standing there… MENACINGLY!!!

you’re the honorable mention (you react to EVERYTHING)

“Neviro, how powerful is Thermo Fist?”

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We need ‡hese to both become reaction images

morden if

morden if he was a car

i think

Realllll I would approve