I’ll say even though I main berzerker, conjurer is the best overall class. You have so much versatility especially if you pick strong magics like light, shadow, lighting, plasma.
I use Snow on an alt file it has well-rounded stats and is pretty fun to play. I like hitting flick shots with a musket into sunken-sword combos sparrow thrust is also just flat-out OP. There are other strong classes, but I think Conjurer is the best of them all It is good in all 3 levels of combat close, mid, and long range. Using magic alongside weapon combos is reliable and complementary to when you’re waiting on the cooldown on your weapon skills. I don’t think I can even think of any weak points because you can always adapt to however your opponent is playing. An iron leg juggernaut who is an absolute force? No problem I’ll stay out of his range beam him and bait him into snare or sword draw. A back-dashing mage? no problem I’ll flick-shot them, and out-dps them with a musket. A conjurer is too versatile to win against when an adaptive player is using it. Also if any of you out there have beat crabbuilding mf is CRACKED on shadow conjurer.
I haven’t really played the game that much as of lately but I still think MAGE is the best class. (I am biased) Because, really, all you need in a Mage slot is the blast spell. (and is satisfying to land when dashing towards an enemy or with flick shots)
But I also think Conjurer is the most engaging, I remember trying out Wind Conjurer in PvP, though not really effective, It’s a build that lets you feel the speed of the build and personally the most fun if you follow up your skills with good aim.
personally, warlord, warlord can become an entirely different build almost instantly, since you can switch your fighting style and weapon skills easily, by far the most modular and broken class in the game