I always hear people talking about the cone check for strength moves, but what actually are they
the cone check is basically a cone-shaped area that checks if there an enemy in it
if there’s one, you travel full speed (crash/rushdown). else, you travel very slowly.
Ohhh that’s why why my crash always goes a millimeter unless there is an enemy directly Infront of me
Wait don’t the weapon grab moves also do this?
they also do
I thought it depended on whether you were in combat or not
it used to a long time ago, but it was heavily exploited for movement (aggroing an npc and spamming mobility moves practicaly made u superman lol)
i still miss it. sh was fun.
remove the cone
doesnt affect pvp since anyone with decent aim can basically ignore the cone, and provides some much needed mobility to warlord and juggernaut
i would agree but as @cubed said it was being abused big time.
i remember watching like 7+ people try to gank this one berserker once (pre-cone check, everybody on the server hated him)
the berserker went up into the stratosphere and escaped with ease, it was that broken
ok how about we make it so that it doesnt work if you are aiming above 30 degrees,
ult art leap should be able to outpreform that, and if it doenst you could make it so it only works horizontally
i realized that the cone indirectly buffed mages since they’re the only class not affected by it
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