What is the difference between the green and white unread numbers?

What does the green one mean?

I’m out of likes but I have zero clue either

Simple. Green ones either mentioned you or replied to you. White ones are simply unread messages in a thread you have replied to or read.

Really? Reply to @liu and @ me

@Cosmos actually I’m not sure whether mentions appear as green but replies definitely do.

Yeah, I didn’t get a green one. @Meta do you know?

O weird. I’ve seen green ones without getting the notification (which I check first)

Green = How many unread old messages
White = How many unread messages

Headless is correct, but to clarify:

“Unread (new) messages” are messages you’ve not read that were posted after you last entered the thread.
“Unread old messages” are messages you’ve not read, but were posted before you last entered the thread. For example, if I’m tracking a thread (because I’ve spent 4 minutes reading), but didn’t reach the bottom, the posts I didn’t read are now green unread.

The more common way to get green unreads is if you’re tracking a post, then some people post in it (making white unread posts). If you open the thread and read some of the white unread posts, then leave, the posts you didn’t read are now green unread.

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