What is the most annoying type of player?

What type of player, either personality or build wise, makes you so mad you go on a life long revenge quest and make them pay for their crimes against your happiness?

Spawn camper. The one who can sit in Rubica for hours waiting for anyone to join, then they grab the poster and go ganking them. They also might be in groups or even a clanned people because they are afraid of fair 1v1s. These people will never fight fair and will try to escape/2v1 you if you will try to revenge them


spawn campers

self righteous players


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spawn campers and players that attack you while your just wandering around ravenna while using the meta build and potions, and then proceed to say stuff like ez and your trash and all that toxic stuff yknow



every single one of them, idk if they are munera rats or ganktards, every pvper is the same


worst kinds of players in my experience will always be grand navy and assassin players, they have no redeeming qualities

Anyone who messes with dark sea expeditionaries.


mfs in a clan that jump me because I have 50k fame and are in roselight (they can NEVER catch me lol)

Most annoying players are those filthy dark sea pve grinders sucking dick and writing a 2000 word thesis in my dms after I potion gank and plunder their booty like bro you grind all day to get your money up but still fumble the bag smh

noble phantasm, bow to the light of the knights of luminosity.

most annoying player is you bruh


everyone other than myself
i am number one
i am the best
i am the swim speed minmax
i am the one who stays in range 1 of the ds for 3 hours
i am the one who pvps at munera sometimes
i am the best
i am number one

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in retrospect perhaps i am the most annoying type of player

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Size warlocks
ZicorTheDemon in particular, magma iron leg, over 200 agil, selino the size of a brig, and runs on magma platforms when he gets low


Perhaps 2.5+k hp knight with simular size could handle this warlock

Spawns in Ravenna, still loading in and waiting for proper fps

Some random mf comes here, tingling all over cuz he was waiting for this for 10 hours. Takes the poster and starts attacking and you can’t do shit because you’re running at .001 frames per second

People who whine about getting ganked 24/7 like damn fight back mf