What is the most annoying type of player?

Size warlocks
ZicorTheDemon in particular, magma iron leg, over 200 agil, selino the size of a brig, and runs on magma platforms when he gets low


Perhaps 2.5+k hp knight with simular size could handle this warlock

Spawns in Ravenna, still loading in and waiting for proper fps

Some random mf comes here, tingling all over cuz he was waiting for this for 10 hours. Takes the poster and starts attacking and you can’t do shit because you’re running at .001 frames per second

People who whine about getting ganked 24/7 like damn fight back mf

People who attack low level players because they will literally dry up if they haven’t felt superior to someone in the past hour.

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what the guy above said and the mfs who don’t make their ships op as shit

If you leave your ship bland with just some parts you found wherever, rather than make a ship that can cross the bronze sea in minutes, or a ship that can withstand constant naval battle for hours without ever getting lower than half hp, you just don’t deserve to be a captain

Not even gankers, I can get over them and they just ruin a specific moment of my day. I’ll just log off and do something else.

The players that annoy me the most are those who act like Vetex is some godly being. Those that still play the game competitively even between the updates. The players that take everything that happens in the game very seriously.

Or players that just have a massive ego and need to feed their ganking urges. It’s fine to gank, as long as you’re not doing it to satisfy yourself (by this I also mean doing it frequently). At that point I’d probably be more concerned than annoyed, because seeking validation from a magic pirate game on roblox is not a good sign on how someone might be doing in real life


The most annoying type of player is the type that serves no purpose in doing something, I don’t mind if you gank me on Dark Sea, sure, you hunted me so you can have my chests, I also don’t mind if you hunt me, I had high renown, same goes for group ganks, I guess it makes it easier for people to kill me.

But if you literally just come up to me, kill me/attack me and I see that you weren’t even trying to hunt me nor did you EVEN pick up the dark sea chests I dropped, what the hell man? Even more ANNOYING if you try to kill me again, I’ll use potions at that point.

arcane odyssey redditors who constantly whine about being ganked when they’re pve demons with 500k renown
also gankers who gank little children with the sole purpose of making them quit the game
cant forget noble phantasm

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I think out of every example here

Noble should be the #1 of “most irritating kind of AO player”

Because technically everything noble does is mainly to irritate people intentionally.

worst version: those who camp at sailors for low level players (ive been a victim)

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i beg to differ that it depends on the pvper. from worst to ok group gankers, Everyone is KoS, lb, then munera, then people who try to balance pvp and pve (munera and balanced people are ok like me)

vetex adding a full coliseum in nimbus sea:

I am when I start talking about the following:

  • Corrina Anchor, Exotic [Negativist], Ari
  • Catgirls
  • Noble Phantasm
  • Harassing and bullying the following: Goopman, Lettuce, Dubious, Tetragon, RealisticBana
  • Talking about tetragons Obsessions
  • Spamming :joy_cat: and​:t_rex:

RKers, people who normalized rking and sweaty guild kiddies who pretend that pvp skill actually makes them someone, if you wanna be a deplorable person who brags do it irl and not in someone’s comfort game (if ao is your comfort zone though, please stop)


least obvious :fishing_pole_and_fish:

They call me the master baiter :fish:

The people who eat sleep and breath AO PvP are just the most miserable people to be around in this community by a long shot.

I understand enjoying a bit of competition, I play games for PvP relatively often, but I also do other things. I don’t dream about ways to optimize my playstyle like I’m sure some of these people do.

If the only way they can feel good about themselves is by being assholes to everyone they see they need professional help.