Legitimate question, because I’ve heard people say that it would fix Arcane Odyssey’s PvE and exploration. However, this directly contradicts the titular environment of the dark seas being, well, dark. That seems like it would make traversal and combat super annoying, the opposite of what it’s trying to achieve.
I’d assume clearsight potions might play a bigger role if they allow you to see within the dark seas
The dark sea is expected to come with a large amount of pve content; in terms of exploration it’s mostly due to the virtually infinite amount of unique islands due to the random island generation Vetex is working on (patreon members have a decent idea of how it works and it seems to be coming along really well).
Other than that, other pve content coming in the dark seas includes:
- New enemy types
- New kinds of equipment and other drops (new enchants, armor sets, armor modifiers, exotic gems, ship parts, etc)
- More potent versions of main-game side content (massive fish, golden cooking pots & cauldrons)
- other undisclosed content
While it may seem annoying to constantly be playing in the dark, it’s probably not that different from sailing & playing during nighttime. The many dangers in the dark sea contribute to its large risk for the great amount of rewards it has to offer
everyone hates nighttime
as a patreon i can attest to this fact
The point of the Dark Seas update (v1.14) is to bring replayability and give more PvE and Exploration to AO. It’s almost a sure fire shot to shifting the current PvP focus to the original intended PvE and Exploration focus.
The Dark Seas is to function as a randomly generated “endless” area with islands and events that will add an actual endgame replayability for AO. This also will shift the current Replayability issue, and move the current PvP focus instead of the intended original PvE, Exploration, and Story focus.
Currently the only replayability is making files, making builds, LB/Bounty hunting, doing Deckhands, and Ship tomfoolery.
Stuff that will be added are:
The aforementioned randomly generated islands:
Dark Sea exclusive stuff:
- Rare and eventually Lost Spells/Techniques/Weps
- Armor and accessories with unique modifiers
- Ship parts
- Enchants
Trying to maximize survival in the Dark Seas, and pushing in into the other Reaches:
Having to deal with the extreme weather events
New Giant and Massive variants of fish and sea monsters
NPC Ships:
Aside from the Dark Seas itself, the update will provide:
The new Ship Type: Brig.
Paired w/ siege weps.
Fishing and Shovel progression, which i imagine similar to Cooking, Alchemy, and Jewel crafting:
New Pots and Cauldrons for Cooking and Alchemy:
And whatever the heck this hidden list is about:
It mostly goes into the metaphorical and somewhat literal interpretation of dark/darkness.
metaphorical being towards:
- violence
- insanity inducing things
- Intense and chaotic situations/encounters
For the literal part i’d say it fufills this part decently so far:
Well the whole point of the Dark Seas is that the mere act of going in and out of it is super difficult and challenging:
(Just a reminder on what Reaches are)
The time it takes to traverse the Dark Seas:
This paired w/ the Weather, Insanity, NPC Ships, potential players, (Though i doubt anyone would be in the mood of risking everything, just to fight another person/group but who knows) and sea monsters would fulfil it’s purpose to be challenging well.
Overall though, there is a large point to the existence of the Dark Seas and it and the features within the addition have to offer.
I might’ve likely forgotten some stuff since it’s just so large.
Dark sea is place where our eternal suffering will take place
Truly a grueling time sink to enjoy
I mean my team goes not on my brig so guess Im fine
The dark sea doesn’t even look that dark it just looks purple
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