What is the weirdest crap you have seen

Genuinely curious about what the dark corners of this forum can contain.

exiled feeds the minotaur

not the most notable but it’s the most memorable


i see.
you wish to see the history.

here, take this informational video:

does your magic in wom mean the same in bed post

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Most recent weird shite I’ve seen on the forum that wasn’t already mentioned.


You came back, just to see hell ?

im just curious what this forum has devolved to from the last time i was here.

LMAO that is incredibly cursed


I did it once ironically yes, and I do not regret it, even if it lost me regular

ur in for it bro

some guy called insistic, that guy fr is so weird

Ah so you have chosen death

Sorry about this, I may of sabotaged your entire supply of gun powder, arson and anything else you can use against the roselights, sorry

anyone horny on the forum is weird

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Exactly! If you want to be weird, be weird on communities dedicated to being weird. But not on the forums of a Roblox game.

There’s horny people in this forum?
