What is the worst idea you've ever seen someone else have?

someone suggested marriage waaaaaaaaay back before AO was released

some guy also wanted nudity to be a thing when there was a magic transformation spell move thingy

lemme think for a while longer

I didn’t know Sailor Moon fans played AO.

fat meter from early forums

every single pve fucker who suggests a pvp toggle

Sometimes people just make one of the most rancid takes possible, something so poorly constructed that nobody can forget it

Not really a suggestion from the forums, but whoever that nutjob mod added that one rule that basically makes every clan member, new clans to superior clans, subjected to legalized witchhunting. Thank goodness they took that shit from the menu because that is the most ass rule they come up with.

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Some people really can’t do PvP, so that’s what they need.
I do disagree with that opinion but I wont fight it.

hi it’s me taitc i’m gonna be judging what you’ve suggested

There is simply no contest.

It’s something that would overall lower toxicity rates in the game and get the fucks that whine on the forums to gtfo and start actually posting content that they put some amount of effort into. it’s a mediocre idea but there are infinitely worse possibilities

oddly enough marriage systems are surprisingly common in MMOs, although a bit dumb it’s not that outlandish

wtf this is awesome why did you bring this up
I’d say the idea of having unique effects to the Mode Spells such as your shirt ripping off would be cool, this ain’t it chief

i actually kinda wanna see this just so i can see how vetex would handle the physical effects that obesity has on the scrunkly little avatars we make

the change unironically slaps fuck clans

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That probably wouldn’t be allowed on roblox, especially with the game not actually knowing if your character is supposed to be a girl or not

but like the idea of cosmetic changes being applied to your character upon entering Mode instead of just a magic aura would slap super hard

Focus would be 10% cooler if you could rip off your shirt

I do agree that ripping off your shirt in the middle of combat can be pretty cool. But we’re not talking about that, we’re talking about full nudity.

i knew that and i brought that up sarcastically in the strikeout text and acknowledged it with “this ain’t it chief”

ok good i really didn’t get it :+1:

yea its more like not the idea itself (which is within reason but meh) but the way randoms make one 1000 word paragraph rambling about how they died at level 51 because they were in ravenna for some reason

cernyx :heheheha:

oddly enough cargo farming from Redwake to Ravenna actually got me through some level requirements so it’s not exactly for no good reason

Ngl, I’d genuinely want a marriage system in AO

Marriage bonus: 1 galleon each day cycle

Divorce penalty: half your items get wiped

why is the clash royale king laugh not a reaction or emoji at least