Anything like suggestions or some idea they just posted in game discussion or anything inbetween either for the story or game mechanics that just made you think this person was born with no brain and 50% of a brain stem.
Not really a suggestion from the forums, but whoever that nutjob mod added that one rule that basically makes every clan member, new clans to superior clans, subjected to legalized witchhunting. Thank goodness they took that shit from the menu because that is the most ass rule they come up with.
hi it’s me taitc i’m gonna be judging what you’ve suggested
There is simply no contest.
It’s something that would overall lower toxicity rates in the game and get the fucks that whine on the forums to gtfo and start actually posting content that they put some amount of effort into. it’s a mediocre idea but there are infinitely worse possibilities
oddly enough marriage systems are surprisingly common in MMOs, although a bit dumb it’s not that outlandish
wtf this is awesome why did you bring this up
I’d say the idea of having unique effects to the Mode Spells such as your shirt ripping off would be cool, this ain’t it chief
i actually kinda wanna see this just so i can see how vetex would handle the physical effects that obesity has on the scrunkly little avatars we make