What is this energy that Argos uses?

Recoloring and naming the fighting style without changing its gimmicks is to allow distinction. Not replacements. It’s just confusing in this case because both of these fighting styles gimmicks is the lack of one

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The wiki calls it Brute Strength but there’s never been an official name given for it.

how would a cfist upgrade be?

Cannonballs but better at it.

chucking entire warships, this is hinted by the “warship” prefix in the naming menu for cannonfist.

Because functionally and internally he can just change the color and tweak the stats for the phase that uses it. He doesn’t need to add in the fighting style.

ok but counterpoint, I want more accurate (femboy) Argos cosplays

Then use thermo fist

that’s different in literally every way except color.

It really depends on how Vetex implements it.
Simple as that.

and battleships
now we still need aircraft carrier

I can imagine that later down the line we’ll get some BOREALIS BALLS for cannon fist.

pure anger