What is this energy that Argos uses?

General Argos seems to carry the ability to use some kind of giant red AOE/Knockback energy on his weapons, and he boasts some glowing red eyes to go with it.

What exactly is this power he has?
Every NPC says he was just really good with weapons, and didn’t need magic or spirit to be good, which would - when combined - be the only way to get a red aura like this.


It’s an unobtainable fighting style imbue called “brute strength”


Oooohhh, I forgot he can totally do that.
Yep, it’s an imbuement, got me there.

musky Argos sweat aura (he has not showered for 26 consecutive weeks)


:yum: :yum: :yum:

Argos is kind of just evil Exiled.

Decked out in armor; looks stupid under his facial-obscuring helmet; has an unobtainable fighting style and imbues it onto his weapons; has specifically big weapon(s); required story boss that involves breaking several laws.

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My personal opinion is that Brute Strength is going to be the upgraded version of Basic Combat (reminder that every fighting style will be upgradable)


Sooooo… You’ll upgrade basic combat, and suddenly it’ll become a different style?

Thats… basically what upgrading something does.
turns it into a better version of itself, with a different name and appearance (optional but likely)

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Nah man, it says even common styles will be upgradeable, not transformed into a different style. Upgrading isn’t replacing.

well there has to be some distinction. and just adding plus 1 or something is boring, so I think it might actually be it. also why would vetex create a whole new imbue for 1 boss fight instead of just using an existing one.

There are definitely cases where upgrading something can lead to a name change (can’t think of any examples off the top of my head). I don’t think brute strength would be a basic combat upgrade tho since the colors and stuff feel too different

I feel like the “upgrades” are just to keep up with lost magics. Fighting styles are each distinct in their own way, so to make a variant become obsolete would be poor design. Upgrading basic combat into brute strength would just be another way of doing that.

I can’t say it’s impossible that there would be name changes, but I don’t think there would be.

Oh I always thought it was thermofist.

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Nah, too deep red.

I thought that brute strength would be the upgrade to basic combat aswell. It just kinda makes sense for the fighting style that doesn’t use a particular technique to become the more powerful fighting style that also doesn’t use a particular technique. Also since each fstyle will only be upgradable once then you would want it to be as cool as possible when you do upgrade it.

Tldr: agreeing with nilexrl

That’s not upgrading, that’s replacing.

Wait you think upgraded fighting styles will just be buffed versions of the fighting style but identical is every other way? That’s boring


Just wait until it happens and check out. :fr:

The idea of having upgrades is so that a fighting style from early game doesn’t become obsolete. By turning it into a new one, you got rid of it.