What is this

We know that Nero ordered the construction of Akursius Keep. And by the time it was destroyed, Nero was dead.

It’s possible that Octavious Caesar died during the First Keraxe and Sameria war. As when Calvus rose to power he was the first to end the war

1756 - 1806/1807 Ravenna Occupation of Winterveil (where Akursius Keep was built on)
1786 - 1806/1807 Akursius Keep operation period, Akursius Keep’s destruction would be foreshadowed late 1806 and become reality in 1807 after the mind breaking period of a few months for the soldiers stationed there.

it could be chaos because when you get insanity 3 you start seeing teal spirits

This may seem like a far-out theory, but could the Order be seeking out energy from Chaos itself? Some people claim that during the boss battle, Calvus used Aether magic against the player. I would assume that if he did, the magic circle would have changed to represent Aether Magic, but it didn’t. Seeing as Chaos is described as teal light, maybe the thing that Calvus was using was not Aether Magic but energy from Chaos?

No one can harness the powers of Chaos, much less an unspecialized savant that can’t even beat a level 125 despite being technically much stronger.

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Ah yes 3 years down the line post 2nd awakening

2-3 depending on how nimbus sea development goes and the req of transformation. let’s assume it’s higher than mode ult which is 350, add some range so +150, and from there we can add the 2nd magic cost increase for mages which is 120 for a 470-620 req. All just barely in around the range for Phoenix magic (my planned 2nd slot lost magic) assuming it’s within that range.

i think i’ve see arcanium cannons firing that stuff then, can’t remeber what the topic was

I’m pretty sure that was just a visual glitch (as death magic nor any lost magics besides flare is actually ingame)

Anyways, is there a reason why people are disregarding the theory of Nero having the Death curse? It makes the most sense to me.

It’s more explosive than it is deathly. Hence why it seems people are coming to the conclusion that it is apocalypse bringer.
Not to mention Nero destroyed a kingdom, which while possible with death I’m sure is probably more difficult to do than if he used apocalypse bringer. Especially since it was described as the city being reduced to rubble in I believe 1 attack.

I always assumed that it was just aether magic

Rackham’s journal directly implies that chaos was the thing that destroyed Akursius Keep

Honestly I thought the intepritation was that the place was damned by the spirits of the damned, and that miner was being literal about it being divine retribution, I guess it would make sense? I can’t think of anything else.

Those were skeletons, and undead are a common theme in AA. Maybe those were the corpses of those obliterated, or soldiers. There is a theory I have that the entire secret itself is fake, including the tower, as I heard if you somehow obtain a high amount of insanity (like I think 5 but that should kill you so IDK), entering the secret leaves you A-OK. Maybe it really are the spirits of the damned.

(Update: There’s also this…yeah (Source: AO wiki page for Akursius Keep)):

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Honestly looks cooler without it.

It was confirmed not to be the death vurse

after mixing the curse explosion

with calvus’ aether

i got this color


idk if that helps at all

Yeah so…
If teal light = Chaos, and insanity level 5 involves teal light…
Then the dark seas are probably related to Chaos. Also, I remember I said no one can control Chaos but what about indirectly? So Apocalypse Bringer could work by attracting Chaos hence why it’s so destructive (assuming the teal explosions we see while fighting Argos w/ Devourer and Calvus 2nd phase are Apocalypse Bringer).

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His grandfather was an anomaly just like Iris, he was born with Aether magic wich is a rare mutation of Light (for comparison magma is a common mutation of fire, and inferno is a rare mutation of fire) and Aether magic is just Light on steroids and no, his grandfather special power is not “only” a lost magic, lost magic is powerful for a reason, it is hard to obtain and extremely powerful