What is your biggest roblox L you've taken?

gimme. once I get that knife I can finally stop trading :frcryin:

but no-one ever wants to trade their reapers :pensive:

I remember when I first joined roblox I found AA and enjoyed the shit out of it. Played until I defeated the first boss and had no clue what to do after that , because I had no fucking clue what to do next I stopped playing the game out of boredom. Eventually I wanted to play the game again but the game was broken by then. After that the game was trying to be fixed and was rereleased but I didn’t have any robux.

same but for me it was OP:GA instead of AA

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Letting someone else spend robux they gave me and them buying me “gReEn LiGhtnIng aDidAs and some dumb bandanna”
It was my first robux ever.

if i did have a second reaper i would :frcryin:

bruh thats actually a yikes, rip


one day I’ll have that damned knife
(Prob when Im lvl 500 or smthn)

Yes, at the time I was considering quitting ROBLOX. That account, while it wasn’t super old or had anything extremely valuable on it, it was still mine at one point.


My old account was apart of Nova Games! Just was reminded of this.

I declined this trade back in 2017

had no idea it would become so valuable

Another rip. I feel bad.

looking at what you did in the past will always be painful, but thats on a whole 'nother level of pain

eventually… i wish you luck on getting that reaper knife

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