What is your favorite fruit, and why?

uh oh :fr:

I like all the fruits, but tangerines take the cake.

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Forgot to list my favourite fruits oof :fr:

Strawberries, apples, oranges, watermelons, kiwis, grapes, bananas, pineapples, blueberries, cherries and mangoes

pretty much all the epic fruits

Raspberries if I can actually get good ones, most store berries are young or too old. An old friend of mine had a wild raspberry bush right by their home, when picked at a good time they were the best by far.

If you still count it as a fruit fried plantains are my favorite. What’s not too love about fruit doused in butter and sugar.


butter and sugar…

huh never tried that before

Impeached @liu fruit

blue pikmin

damn, aight then

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Jackfruit, Guyabano and a mandarin. Jackfruit is just sick when it is cooked, guyabano tastes good and mandarin is something tasty. Oh and durian is also quite nice.

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Any members of the mango squad?


Just me?

Oh, alright then.

Oh crap I forgot mango. My country has the best of them.

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Mango is pretty good, have you ever tried dried mangos before? It’s really good

dang man, you made me drool on my computer

Trust me, it’s amazing

IK, ate some before that had light sugar on it, was soooo good

Agreed, probably my favourite dried fruit

Mango, and pineapple, probably

Dried mangoes yum.