What is your favorite fruit, and why?

My favorite fruit is the orange, I like the color and the juiciness of the tiny cell walls inside of the fruit when they burst inside of my mouth. Oranges are simply splendid.
And there’s orange juice I guess, that’s pretty good too.


a mix between raspberries, oranges, and uh…idk

Do you mean a pomegranate?
The best way to open the pomegranate, a super fruit - The Washington Post


i actually haven’t tried pomegranate before…only juice

green and red apples and bananas
those are the only ones i like
though i do like strawberry juice, if that ever counts…

Waiting for that one forumer that claims they don’t eat fruits

peaches, apples, strawberry, and watermelon (also clementines).

But for true favorite i must say apples

My favorite fruit is definitely pineapple. It just has such a tropical feeling to it and is also very sweet.

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bUt rAsbeRries aRe beRies nOt fRuIts

Anyways, any fruit will do good for me.


:frcryin: xd

Raspberries do smack though, like the texture and slight sweetness.

y e s

i wish i could eat more of em but we ran out long ago xd



I like eating burgers. Happen to know anyone who is a burger?

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ill fucking burn your house down.

Just like your overcooked patty?


you know, you aren’t the first to insult me.

if you don’t want to end up like @TheChickenRun, I suggest you piss off.


yeah… real threatening :neutral_face:
