My favorite fruit is the orange, I like the color and the juiciness of the tiny cell walls inside of the fruit when they burst inside of my mouth. Oranges are simply splendid.
And there’s orange juice I guess, that’s pretty good too.
a mix between raspberries, oranges, and uh…idk
Do you mean a pomegranate?
i actually haven’t tried pomegranate before…only juice
green and red apples and bananas
those are the only ones i like
though i do like strawberry juice, if that ever counts…
Waiting for that one forumer that claims they don’t eat fruits
peaches, apples, strawberry, and watermelon (also clementines).
But for true favorite i must say apples
My favorite fruit is definitely pineapple. It just has such a tropical feeling to it and is also very sweet.
bUt rAsbeRries aRe beRies nOt fRuIts
Anyways, any fruit will do good for me.
Raspberries do smack though, like the texture and slight sweetness.
y e s
i wish i could eat more of em but we ran out long ago xd
I like eating burgers. Happen to know anyone who is a burger?
ill fucking burn your house down.
Just like your overcooked patty?
you know, you aren’t the first to insult me.
if you don’t want to end up like @TheChickenRun, I suggest you piss off.
yeah… real threatening