What is your favorite magic and why?

It’ll definetly be Plasma, its a state of matter where all the matter becomes soo unstable, it becomes a gas, our sun can be summed up as a giant ball of plasma.
Who the hell wouldn’t want to be able to launch stars at their enemies?

We don’t have intel on how good Plasma will be in PvP but i hope it is very good at making things burn!


I mean lowkey earth but light hits different


fire cause it looks cool and all but also lightning

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Shadow cause it’s black


water because it gets people wet


earth aint what it used to be bruh… :pensive:
still pretty good though


Water because I like nearly useless puddles


Acid because I like somewhat useful puddles


Wind because it really do be a breezy magic doe


magma because spicy soup


oh shit i literally remember me drinking too much of ur spicy soup i died
it was kinda real spicy doe :flushed:


I’d like Light. When flight comes out i’d get Yellow Lighting and look like a saiyan.


Oh boy, this one is hard

Light and ice are tied for me at the moment, but what I really want is to use ice as a mirror to reflect a prismatic light.

Obviously, that won’t happen, but I still love them both because they’re fun and fast and hit hard.

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Nevermind, my favorite magic is now Light since speed. Magic speed is probably one of the most important stats at our current level. A power build with Light’s speed is amazing.

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Can’t wait for cast speed build with light beams

Gonna be the best yet most annoying shit to exist

memorex ptsd during offseason tourney just struck me

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wind cus i used to be double wind in aa. in wom it removes a ton of status and hopefully in the future the knockback on it will be poggers

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I like lightning for two reasons.

One would be is that it was my favorite magic in A.A, and Two would be, it looks nice.

I like light

Yea it’s clashing ain’t good but it’s fast and I can easily hit enemies fast which I like and I just put a few power amulets on and I do big damage

I cant compare all magics till I play through all of them but this is what I have to say so far with the magics i’ve already done:

Light / plasma is the most fun
Fire is the most satisfying
Lightning makes me feel the most powerful
Ash makes me go blind