What is your favorite magic?

Sorry, it didn’t let me put all the options on one poll, so I guess water, wind, and wood are a seperate poll?

  • Acid
  • Ash
  • Crystal
  • Earth
  • Explosion
  • Fire
  • glass
  • gold
  • ink
  • ice
  • light
  • lightning
  • magma
  • iron
  • paper
  • plasma
  • poison
  • sand
  • shadow
  • snow

0 voters

  • water
  • wind
  • wood

0 voters

Tip: Poison is the right answer

1 Like

Life tip: in order to survive today, you must press the “wind” or “acid” options

Wind and shadow noobs

Why didn’t you enable the option to see which users voted?


Lightning better

scorch best

Promethean flame on top

A magic that doesnt exist yet is the best :troll:




And btw, the best magic was gonna be genesis zero hands down

Send to brazil magic

Magma should be #1

It is 2nd, so I think that is alr. Magma is my main slot’s magic, so I understand how you feel. It is just a little slow

explosion winning btw

No its not, it has 10% :confused: not sure if this is a troll or not

plasma. Cry about it being a bad magic

dnc explosion always wins