What is your favorite vegetable?

Really random but why not

One of my favorite vegetables is Broccoli.
Broccoli | SNAP-Ed


how do you pronounce it?



broccoli, maybe potato

or lettuce maybe, i did have a good salad once

I love potatoes

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warlord players

and cucumbers


Didn’t have to do me like that :frcryin:

Water Spinach
If you’ve never heard of it before you’re probably a smelly american who can’t get their hands on the best vegetable ever because it’s considered an invasive species

this stuff is awesome especially when stir fried

potatoes shouldn’t count imo
if potatoes count then i’ll also mention mushrooms cause they’re considered grass types by pokemon
specifically enoki mushrooms

these things are incredible especially when in a soup or when deep fried

why do potatoes not count?

Bro, potatoes are better than mushrooms by a great margin.

Yes, W potatoes.

W potatoes.

ok backpedaling on that one they’re starchy vegetables
just a bit of a misunderstanding cause it’s kinda weird how beans and corn fall into that category
they shouldn’t count in a conversation like this one because they are the undeniable winner of best vegetable

mushrooms rival potatoes in how good they are and are a great alternative to going outside to get your vitamin d cause we all know that a vast majority of internet users do not like going outside

I don’t care about nutrients so W potatoes.

your corpse will be ravaged with fungi 10 years from now

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I’ll put on my will that I want my corpse to be burnt upon my death. Also, you are not helping me like mushrooms any better.

like that was ever part of the intention

Okayyyyy… aren’t u a mushroom supporter tho?

I hate mushrooms, ngl…

i know that people who dislike mushrooms won’t ever like them
their palate is too refined to eat stuff that ngl tastes like dirt
damn good dirt but still dirt

Okra is pretty weird too

so slimy…

I never said I dislike mushrooms. I just said that I like potatoes waaaaay better. Mushrooms are fine by me. :+1: