What is your favourite game and why?

Another Favorite Game thread and another thread where i’ll just say “Rockman ZX” and fuck off

Space Engineers,

Imagine Minecraft, but it’s more detailed and realistic, 50x more complex and you can build completely custom built ships or tanks and shit. COMPLETELY fully destructible terrain and such.

Example of a battle (pretty decent YouTuber):

And For the Servers itself,
Think of that, but add Rogue Lineage and make it so you can get ganked while sleeping


Every single little part and block of that ship has to be manually built and welded

Also pretty laggy game at times



one of the few uncultured swines who didn’t know about the logo smh

no, that was not hyperbole and I can’t believe you don’t know it

omori or pokemon mystery dungeon : explorers of sky
a very simple man i am

Mario Kart Wii

Melee and Smash Ultimate is pretty swag

Terraria, Minecraft, Roblox or a fighting game/fps game that I normally play :P.