Did you like my RP backstory ?
I hope flaunting is added before the free release
whats deepwoken gotta do with this?
About flaunt i get very happy when i saw them will going to be free for use any time , You know AA.
It says that your post was deleted, but I’ll assume it was you typing out the lyrics to the Ironport Theme, and I shall respect that due to your Hollow Knight PFP.
It’s my favorite new addition
dark sea
All NPC ship variants
The Order
Grand Navy
Natural Disasters
Treasure charts and Sealed Chests
new NPC dialogue
Lost Magics and fighting styles
how did you know…
crystal buff
more accurate blasts on other clients so i can finally use ash and be semi-decent with it
Storyline, looks cool
easily treasure charts, i love games that make you go around the entire map just to slap you in the face and give the very small chance of actually giving you anything good and treasure charts fulfill my exact desires
Yes. It was very cool.
optimization is the big one
i like being able to play games at over 5 fps
a good story and treasure charts (im excited about exotic/legendary gear from them)
If we can’t get boobs in AO can we at least get butts?
Bounty hunting >:)
why can’t we have both for once
My favourite new addition is the game called Arcane Odyessy.