What Item In Your Inventory Do You Hold Sentimental Or High Value Of?

I think I had a river turtle but idk if I still do

wdym read better bruh

Read better is what I mean

castlian sword

my pink bandana, i have purple lightning and was going for all purple, but at the start all i had was the pink bandana

my old sword is my buddy :sparkling_heart:
does it count as a cultural weapon

no its not a culture item.

10 characters

hard wizard pants that i’ve been wearing for the last 3 months baybeeee

A black cape I bought off of somebody. Glad I did it because I don’t think I’ve found another black cape since, and it completes my edgy ass look

My most Sentimental items are my hard Oathkeeper and my Sturdy Wall of Jericho, I grinded forever for both of those. Soon, they’ll be gone forever. Wish we could keep them.

The Wall Of Jericho Shield, I like the design and It was one of my first drops.

I am not a lucky human being.

Pretty much all the accessories I use for my characters.

A jellyfish I got from northern fishing with a friend

Rare Fishes

my black canvas hat, because Dot Water just doesn’t look complete without it.

Strong old shortsword in open test 2

It was so damn OP before weapon lost the ability to fling players after a strong hit like magic. You could one shot almost every npc, the rest died from bleeding, 2-3 heavy slashes to kill a player. It doesn’t sound especially intimidating now, but consider that we had 2 spells and that a weapon slash was more powerful than any spell, plus we didn’t have to aim unlike with super small spells due to our low level.

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my scarf collection.

…wait arent they buyable?